February 27, 2022

An Introduction to Why- Part 3: Meaning

An appropriate response to part 2 would be to ask why did the African colony not understand suicide? What are they getting right that we aren't? I believe the answer likely lies in our position of privilege. We have much more time available to spend asking abstract questions rather than worrying about where the next meal will be coming from. Is the solution to try and drive our society back to that sort of lifestyle? I think we both know that's unlikely to happen. So what then? If it is actually detrimental to spend more time than necessary asking why, then why should we be doing it? Good question. My answer is that I don't necessarily think we should. But if you happen to find yourself in a position where you are forced to come up with answers for the meaning of existence, then you don't really have a choice. This is where I find myself located. Burdened with the task of not believing in anything beyond rationality and having to define my own existence.

I'm not complaining though, I actually cherish it (I'll expand on this at a later time). If we have to come up with our own meaning for our existence, then so be it. I will try and reason all parts of my existence. By answering the question of why for anything that I consider pointless, I give it meaning. And that's the key. Instead of sitting around asking what's the point of doing anything, I'll actually attempt to answer that question. Maybe I won't ever come up with a definitive answer, most likely I won't. But that doesn't matter. At least I'm trying. I refuse to see this life as meaningless. If I can't help but ask why to every single thing that I do, then I'm going to try and fucking answer.